
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Unites

Stories of Strength, Resilience, and Support 
Each year, approximately 400,000 children and adolescents aged 0-19 years are diagnosed with cancer. The most prevalent types of childhood cancers encompass leukemias, brain cancers, lymphomas, and solid tumors, such as neuroblastoma and Wilms tumors. [1, 2] 
That’s why every September during International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we recognize the courage, resilience, and optimism of affected children and the support of their loved ones. 
Instead of experiencing school and a carefree childhood, these young cancer patients face a grueling battle in hospitals. A cancer diagnosis brings a heavy burden on them, their families, friends, and communities. Caregivers wrestle with complex medical decisions and financial strains, all while trying to keep hope alive and create moments of joy. 
Our Mission at Outdoor Against Cancer
At Outdoor Against Cancer we align with Childhood Cancer Awareness Month's goals, dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle for young cancer survivors: 
  1. Physical Activity & Outdoor Sports: Encouraging young cancer survivors and others to stay active and engage in outdoor sports, fostering physical health and well-being. 
  2. Balanced Nutrition: Promoting a balanced diet to support overall health and recovery. 
  3. Sustainability & Nature: Emphasizing the importance of sustainability and a connection to nature for mental and emotional well-being. 
  4. Physical & Mental Well-Being: Prioritizing both physical and mental well-being to help young cancer survivors thrive. 
In our project trailer, released alongside this article, these four pillars shine through the stories of four remarkable young cancer survivors. Their strength and resilience illustrate the positive impact of embracing a healthy lifestyle, even in adversity. 
Moreover, a diverse group of collaborators and supporters has united to share these inspiring stories this Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Their collaboration underscores the importance of collective efforts in raising awareness and supporting young cancer fighters and survivors. 
How You Can Make a Difference 
Join us in supporting young cancer survivors. Share our trailer, spread the message of hope on social media, and raise awareness in your environment. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of young cancer survivors and their families. 
Author: Nicole Stiegeler, OAC
©Outdoor Against Cancer
1. Steliarova-Foucher E, Colombet M, Ries LAG, et al. International incidence of childhood cancer, 2001-10: a population-based registry study. Lancet Oncol. 2017;18(6):719-731.  
2. World Health Organization. (‎2021)‎. CureAll framework: WHO global initiative for childhood cancer: increasing access, advancing quality, saving lives. World Health Organization.