How to Start?

How to Start?
The four key pillars are inseparably intertwined - they influence each other.
Author: Petra Thaller

Start into a healthy lifestyle?

People who practice outdoor sports pay more attention to nature, eat more consciously, and feel physically and mentally more balanced. People who live in regions or latitudes that make it difficult to be active outdoors - pollution, drought, heat, lack of green and blue spaces - lack the stimulating character of nature to get them exercising outdoors. If on top of that the nutrition is not balanced, it is very likely that not only the physical but also the mental well-being is missing in order to lead a healthy life. A vicious circle. 

In this 18-month project, there will be useful suggestions for starting a healthy lifestyle, and thus a healthy future. 
Here you will find some important basics about how you can integrate healthy choices into your own life in a way that suits you. All our recommendations, suggestions and innovations are scientifically based, easy to understand and enjoyable to both read and implement. Because change means getting involved in something new and actively shaping your own healthy future.

Focus on the positive - the hardest moments are already behind you!