Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Workshop in Palermo

The Italian partners of the OACCUs EU project will provide a two-day workshop for students and professional staff about ways to prevent cancer and "CHOOSE the HEALTHy way".
Within the OACCUs project, co-founded by the European Union (EU4Health program), and in line with the project aims, the University of Palermo will host a two-days seminar to promote a healthy lifestyle on the 18th and 19th of May.
The OACCUs (i.e. Outdoor-against-cancer-connects-us) project involves 14 European partners with a total of 6 European countries represented in the consortium and promotes the implementation of healthy lifestyles for everybody and in particular for “young cancer survivors”. The young cancer survivors, their families, friends, and the complete network of caregivers, medical staff, psychologists, and trainers are the main targets for both the project and the workshop.
Professor Antonino Bianco, project scientific responsible for the Italian partners and Third Mission Delegate for the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement of the University of Palermo, promotes this initiative in cooperation with CEIPES and LILT Palermo which are the remaining Italian partners of the project.
Scientific evidence demonstrates that regular exercise and outdoor sports practice, a healthy diet, promoting our own psychological health and creating a connection with the surrounding natural environment, using an eco-friendly approach, not only help to prevent disease but also to reduce the incidence of new and recurrent cancer in young people. The philosophy of the OACCUs projects relies on these simple principles. The lectures within the seminar will explore these topics thanks to medical doctors, psychologists, trainers, and experts in different fields. Young cancer survivors will also participate to share their experience.
At the end of the second seminar day the “#OACCUs Dream it real” video, produced by the University of Palermo team, will be shown to promote the project activities to the local target group. The video hosts Roberta Cottone, University of Palermo Sport Science student, winner of the regional 50- and 100-meters freestyle Marte swimming championship.